America’s Failure Coach
Failure is Not the End
Change your relationship with failure to reach your personal and professional goals.

How did you feel the last time you failed?
Anxious? Depressed? Frustrated? You aren’t alone. Research shows that only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s Resolutions. What’s stopping you? Revolutionary Keynote Speaker, Author, and Master Trainer Colonel George Milton has made overcoming failure his life. With years of experience and a counseling plan tailored to you, Col. Milton will change your relationship with failure and turn it into success.
Three Steps to Changing Your Relationship with Failure

This is the hardest part, opening up to someone new about your fear of failure. I get it, I was in your shoes, too. Together, we’ll take a dive into your fears and discover exactly what’s holding you back from success.

Step Two: Create a Game Plan
Changing your mindset takes time, and I’ll be with you every step of the way. We will tailor a unique plan to your needs and take things one hurdle at a time.

Step Three: Challenge Your Priorities
Little by little, we’ll change your outlook on failure versus success. I will arm you with the tools you need to overcome the stigma and anxiety around failure. You will gain the confidence and knowledge to approach your next challenge head-on.
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Failure Is Not The Problem®, It’s the Beginning Of Your Success
I finished reading this book today. First book I’ve finished in forever. It got me doing a lot of thinking and has me ready to change my perspective on a lot of my life.
One of the biggest events I contributed to a failure was not finishing school and obtaining my degree in Architecture.
After reading your book, it has motivated me to look into going back and getting that degree.
Thank you again, Brother George, for the honor of reading your book and changing my outlook on life. – Kenny

Failure Is Not The Problem®, it’s Your Leadership
In this win only, winner takes all society, what is the role of failure in leadership?
Why are there so many books on leadership? Simply put, because people want, desire, and need leadership! Most people in positions of leadership and authority will talk about how to become successful only, when discussing leadership. In my book, I focused primarily on how to become successful by using your failed experiences.
Failure said to success, without me, there is no you!
When I examine wildly successful people in all industries, such as business, sports, CEO’s, academia, medical, civil service, the military, you name it and what I find as a common denominator is they all learned how to understand, accept, embrace, and learn from their failures.
Do you want to succeed as a leader? If you do, you must learn how to do three things. Fail graciously, get comfortable with your failed experiences and learn from those experiences. Everyone wants to succeed but no one wants to fail. When utilized correctly, failure is the greatest resource on the planet to help you be all that you can be. I have created a formula for this. Get the book and learn what the formula F+RR=S, means.
In this, easy to read book you will learn:
• Why you are not afraid to fail
• That failing can actually be fun
• When an organization makes it ok to fail, their people, are more creative, survive, and thrive
• How to take action and become successful using your failed experiences
Get Your Copies Today!
Is Georgie A Failure? (Failure Is Not the Problem)
Embark on an inspiring journey with Georgie and his father in “Is Georgie A Failure,” a heartwarming children’s book that celebrates the transformative power of learning from mistakes. Tommie dreams of conquering his bike, while Georgie learns about failure from his father’s gentle wisdom.
Tommie’s determined spirit shines as he faces the challenges of learning to ride, experiencing wobbles, falls, and the occasional scraped knee and embarrassing taunts from his loved ones. With each setback, Tommie discovers resilience and the joy of small victories, guided by his supportive best friend Georgie.
Meanwhile, Georgie listens attentively as his father shares with him the importance of understanding failure, where the word failure comes from and how to respond to it in a positive way. Through Georgie’s conversations with his father, young readers learn that failure is not something to fear but a natural part of life’s journey—a chance to learn, adapt, and persevere.

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